The Witch Made Me Watch It
Eric Winick Eric Winick

The Witch Made Me Watch It

I’d like to think my appreciation for design and branding is what made me want to make a living in the business. I’ve spent a good chunk of my life working with graphic designers, digital ad firms, and branding agencies. But somehow, nothing gets me going like a well-made trailer, a teaser campaign, or an interactive online experience. Call me gullible, call me what you will, I am the perfect target audience when it comes to selling anticipated films.

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the Art of Misleading Marketing
Eric Winick Eric Winick

the Art of Misleading Marketing

Did Neon do Enys Men any favors? Yes and no. The point of marketing is to make something seem appealing, even when the subject matter may be hard to parse or unpleasant. I know this. I’ve done plenty of it in my life. But what happens when marketing builds an expectation that can’t be met? Does this help the product, or does it put the product in the uncomfortable position of having to go on podcasts and defend itself as “not really horror, but…” in an effort to please its corporate overlords?

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