The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (To Sell Products)
Taking Grandma for a ride she won’t forget (Chevrolet/Alzheimer’s Association)
The excitement over Chevrolet’s holiday spot, “A Holiday to Remember,” is palpable. Not only has it been viewed 1.3M times on YT (as of this writing), but it managed to get this hard-bitten marketer to tear up on not one but two occasions.
The ad is everything a company would want: a heart-tugging theme, great acting, perfect needle drop (John Denver’s “Sunshine on my Shoulders”), a crucial partnership with the Alzheimer’s Association®, and most importantly, the product, featured prominently but not ostentatiously. Claims of manipulation may follow, but I dare anyone to watch this and not get a little bit misty.
Congratulations to Commonwealth//McCann for understanding the power of storytelling at the most wonderful time of the year.