Let’s Talk About Rebranding — and The Beatles’ “Get Back”
Peter Jackson may want to rethink his profession. After providing a couple of indie gems in the '90s (Heavenly Creatures, The Frighteners), he transitioned to blockbuster territory in the oughts and 2010s with the Lord of the Rings films, King Kong, and the Hobbit trilogy. But for my money, Get Back, a reconstruction of Michael Lindsay-Hogg's footage of the making of The Beatles' "Let It Be" album, may be Jackson's finest hour. Or rather, 7+ hours. The sprawling documentary provides a glimpse into the inner life of a band many of us thought we knew, and explodes it. It may, in fact, be the greatest rebrand in the history of rebrands.

Storytelling: IT Takes a Village
One of the greatest challenges for nonprofits, aside from acquiring customers and retaining current ones, is convincing customers to invest in the organization — so when it comes time to renew a membership, or make an annual donation, they think of the organization not only as a place to enjoy an activity or that provides a service, but also as a nonprofit that’s doing good in the world.